Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365
The old standard doesn’t support the way business is done today. Today’s business environment requires 24/7 email uptime, complete mobile freedom, other adjacent technologies, and protection against unprecedented levels of threat. This is why email is moving to the cloud. Cloud email offers far more functionality, reliability and protection than you could affordably deliver on-premises. Office 365 is addresses the shortcomings of the old on-premises hardware based email and meets the needs of the most cost-sensitive businesses. Now you just need to pick the right product suite for your requirements.
Why move to the cloud?
Capital savings and ROI benefits
1. Avoid capital expenditure. There’s no hardware to buy or software to license, so you don’t need to sink your capital into on premise infrastructure.
2. Make your costs more predictable. XLNT’s Hosted Exchange services let you consolidate your expenses into simple, monthly per-user fees.
3. Reduce your opportunity costs. By freeing your IT staff from maintenance, they’ll be able to stay focused on the value they add to your business.