Virtualization & Secure Desktop Solutions

VDI explained. Learn why VDI is important.


Virtualization & Virtual Desktop

We live in an Everything as a Service universe. That’s because forward-thinking companies are transitioning all forms of technology resources and support—from hardware and software to storage and platforms—to a virtualized environment. Virtualization with secure virtual desktop solutions reduces capital and operating expenses, delivers high availability of resources, improves business continuity, and significantly increases IT productivity. XLNT will help plan, budget, execute and support a virtualization project for your company, with industry standard technology like VMWare, Citrix and Hyper-V.

Minimize Disruption

One of the primary advantages of virtualization is that servers are segregated, operating as though on separate hardware, resulting in less downtime during maintenance periods. And, maintenance takes place in a production environment without causing disruptions.

Speed Up Installations

Virtualization allows fast installation of new applications and services. You no longer have to wait weeks to buy, receive and set up equipment. We’ll configure a new virtual machine, router, switch or storage drive using virtualization management to reduce setup times.

Increase Uptime

Consolidating your software applications, operating systems and hardware platforms means fewer redundant physical devices are needed to serve as primary machines. This maximizes uptime and availability.

What VDI remote access services does XLNT provide?

Virtualization Planning, Implementation and Management

Project Management for Enterprise Virtualization

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

Balance workload and performance with virtualization and secure virtual desktop solutions.